2018 Update…

I just wanted to thank you for giving me the chance to take care of you as your Alderman.

We have had a great year getting things done in our Ward and offer special thanks to the Mayor and Board for their support.

One of my biggest accomplishments I believe are all the improvements to Brookhaven Park.
It had been neglected for a long time and was really in need of help.

You really need to drive by and take a look at all these improvements,

With the support of Wes Brown Parks Director, Eleven trees have been added in the park next to the playground
equipment to provide shade while your children play.
We have replaced slides, repaired the swings and painted over the graffiti.
The lighting has been updated and more has been added to light up the park at night.
There is even a new sign out front that says Brookhaven Park open Sunrise to Sunset.

Improvements for Cherry Valley Park is on my list for this year…

We have had almost $600 thousand dollars worth of road repairs in our Ward alone in 2018 with that much or more planned for next

We have added speed limit signs and flashing lights on stop signs to help make our streets safer.

We have added signs for parents with special needs children to warn drivers of their presence in all parts of the neighborhoods.

We got the owner of the strip mall on 51 near Custer drive to paint and fix up his building to improve the look of Hwy 51.

We now have 2 code enforcement officers assigned to our neighborhoods to help “Clean Up” and we still have a way to go but this helps us maintain our property value.

And yes, once again, we did all this without having a tax increase.

I’m sure I forgot something but let’s make 2019 a great year in the neighborhood…


